If you have been following me on my Facebook page or YouTube channel, then you may have seen this video already. On Tuesday, my friend Charmia and I sat down and had a candid discussion about race.
There has been a lot of talk on the news about how a “lack of conversation” is part of the problem, but I hadn’t seen very many people sitting down and really trying to have the types of conversations that people say are missing. Charmia and I have many things in common. We went to school together, we are the same age, we had a similar upbringing, and we are both moms now. But we also recognize that we have some differences, and we wanted to sit down and talk about those differences for a while in the hopes that change might be able to start with us. I think the story about the birthday party at the pool and how our experiences of that were so different really highlights the need for more progress.
We hope that our conversation will open more like it in homes around the country. Race can be a tricky thing to talk about, but that doesn’t mean we should shy away from hard conversations. I hope we’ve inspired you to talk to your own family and friends.
Thank you for visiting the blog today!
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Thank you so much to you and Charmia for sharing your conversation. We need more of these discussions!