I’m baaaaaaack.
It’s time for everyone’s favorite day of the week. (Maybe not.)
Get Skinny Saturday!
I didn’t do a whole lot on the weight loss front this week, to be honest.
The kids had a bunch of snow days and Eddie was working from home, which threw off my schedule and made it hard for me to stay on track.
I think I exercised once.
I ate a bunch of bite sized chocolates. Because Valentine’s Day. I drank a few sodas. I ate ice cream twice.
I took the girls on a play date to a fast food restaurant, which is where this happened, which was pretty much the highlight of my whole week:
I did choose a grilled chicken sandwich and water while we were there, so maybe that counts for something.
Eddie wants to learn to cook, so he has been making dinner a few days each week. Right now that means a lot of grilled chicken and a special meal of steaks and asparagus for Valentine’s Day.
I also made a huge pot of this chili, which I’d say is a relatively balanced meal, that lasted us a few days:
Somehow by eating chili, chocolate, and fast food, and not exercising I managed to lose weight. I don’t know how that happened either, but I’ll take it. It makes me think that last week I was probably just ovulating or something, so this week I am leveling back out.
Time for the weigh-in.
That’s a 1.8 pound loss, the exact same amount I gained last week, and puts me back to exactly where I was two weeks ago.
4.4 pounds lost total.
I told you this was going to take forever.
Yes, I do realize it would take less time if I stopped eating chocolate and ice cream, but then I would just hit my goal weight and think, “Oh thank God, I can finally have ice cream again!” and gain some or all of the weight right back.
I think it’s better for me personally to just eat smaller portions of stuff I like and not deprive myself. There is more to life than what we look like and what we eat, and I think my fast food story from this week illustrates that perfectly.
I’m not willing to miss out on life experiences for the sake of getting skinny. I’ll get there eventually.
One week at a time.
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